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Adam Essabih-Eddafali
If a single person reads my story and it helps them in some way, it was worth writing. I write about a lot of things I’ve never said out loud because I think it’s important to try and help someone in a similar situation. My advice to anyone reading this - if you don’t back yourself no one else will. You have to fight against imposter syndrome and believe in your capabilities, and it’s up to you to push yourself and grow professionally
Adam Essabih-Eddafali
Alexandra Garton
I wanted to share my story as a reminder to others that the bad times don't last forever. It's easy to lose hope, but even the worst times absolutely will pass. I hope that in the future mental health is considered a bigger part of overall health and wellbeing than it is currently. Just like physical health, we have to tend to our mental health all of the time (whether we realise it or not) and make sure we get the help we need to sustain it. My advice to anyone reading this would be, to keep pushing forwards, keep learning and growing, and you'll keep progressing. It feels slow, but we grow and change every single day, so never give up.
Alexandra Garton
Arbaz Kamran
International students or students from different countries don't have to feel alienated by the level of social skills and the academic knowledge required to live their life in the UK. I just wanted to let them know that, it's okay to feel that way and if I can do it, they can do it.
Arbaz Kamran
Aishah Siddeeqa
I wrote this chapter for readers like me, perpetually anxious and very unsure of whether they could find a space within which they would fit. I hope my story will make things easier for just one person. I’m not so sure about my plans for the future, but I do know a little bit more about my worth and what I can do. I hope this chapter will help a few other square pegs begin to understand their worth too.
Aishah Siddeeqa
Anthony Jones
I have always known the importance of shared experiences between people, it is part of our human experience to feel better when we know that we are not alone in our troubles or in any state we find ourselves in life, whether it be positive or negative. By sharing our stories we can therefore connect at a more fundamental level. My hope for the future is for people to acknowledge that, for lack of a better word ‘one size does not fit all’. We live in a world where society no longer is purely one race or culture, but more so a mixture of not only genes and races, but also experiences. We never know what people are going through, or even have gone through to be where they are, and we should bare this in mind when interacting with one another.
Anthony Jones
Aysel Salieva
I decided to share my story because I wanted to encourage young people that you can still achieve anything you set your mind to no matter where you come from and the struggles you face. I like this chapter to bring hope to someone in a hopeless situation and think that there is no way out. In the future, I am hoping to be able to share my story with more people. I want to be a voice of hope and encouragement for other people, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. My advice for anyone reading this - Dream big! You can be anything you want to be, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to!
Aysel Salieva
Brandy Ngo
Brandy Ngo
I decided to share my story as I don’t usually express my feelings, especially the negative ones; it seems like we always have to present the best versions of ourselves to the world. At times, it can be overwhelming having to constantly fake it to the world, whether this be on social media or to plain family and friends. I wanted to share my different life experience so those who can relate know they are not alone. I hope they can find comfort in reading my story, feeling lost is entirely fine and shouldn’t be viewed as a weakness or something to hide.