Jeffrey has recently graduated with a first-class law degree from the University of Roehampton. He has worked across several projects focused on diversity and social mobility, supporting others, and creating opportunity. Jeffrey is keen to pursue a career in commercial law and in the meantime is looking forward to making a positive impact through the work of TG Consulting and getting involved in some innovative projects that will ensure equality of opportunity for all

Kimberley is an advocate for equality and is passionate about supporting and empowering women who face the repercussions of intersectional inequality. With a nuanced, forward-thinking, positive viewpoint she hopes to bring about change, through direct engagement, encouragement, and empathy with women who are culturally disadvantaged. Kimberley is looking forward to working with TG Consulting on agendas for change in higher educational establishments, and inspiring and supporting women in amplifying their voices and talent to achieve recognition of their true potential in their chosen careers.
Godwin is a college student studying AAT Level 2 and 3 Diploma in accounting. He is looking forward to being part of the TG Consulting family and is keen to use his experiences and insights to contribute to the employability, social mobility, and diversity agenda. Godwin is looking forward to being part of a youth community and helping to shape initiatives.

Bethany is an LLB International Law student at Nottingham Trent University. During her spare time, Bethany works as a Student Ambassador, and an Employability Champion where she provides a voice for her fellow students. She is also the Secretary for the Commercial Awareness Society. Bethany’s experiences have enabled her to develop great insight into student life and the issues affecting her peers and is excited to contribute to the work of TG Consulting.
Sameeul is progressing in Accounting with AAT and Financial Studies and is always looking for more learning experiences to help develop and progress his career. He is proactive in seeking out development opportunities and is passionate about helping others to reach their potential. Sameeul is looking forward to being part of the TG Consulting family and getting involved in some exciting projects and initiatives.

Maariya is a final year Computer Forensics student at Birmingham City University. Maariya is a British Pakistani student who is the first in her family to study at university. Maariya currently works in higher education as a Learning Technology Support Assistant, supporting the development of learning technology across her institution. She is passionate about students receiving the best student experience regardless of their ethnicity or financial background. Maariya brings great student insights, critical thinking and reflection skills to TG Consulting. Maariya is looking forward to sharing her ideas and collaborating with recruiters and universities.
Ryan graduated in 2018 from the University of Birmingham with an Accounting and Finance degree and is currently working as a Treasury Analyst. Despite being in the position he is currently in, he is ultimately a product of his environment, and of social mobility. Ryan is extremely passionate about social mobility, building social capital through the power of networking, and racial equality. He will be sharing his experiences as part of the work with TG Consulting, helping to educate others and help to change the outcomes for our young people who are disadvantaged. Ryan is very excited about being part of the TG Consulting family.

Reggie is an analyst for an investment management firm in London. His experience involves previously working with the Cabinet Office, to address ethnic disparities in higher education, and in the workplace. Reggie also advocates for institutions to become more socially mobile by debunking myths associated with people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, by regularly traveling to academic and corporate institutions to educate and shed light on the matter. Whilst working with the Cabinet Office, Reggie was described by the former Prime Minister, Theresa May, as a “persistent and inspiring young person”. Reggie is looking forward to helping impact change within Higher Education and across recruitment practices.
Naomi is a marketing and advertising student at the University of Lincoln. She works to help create an inclusive curriculum and is part of a student-led group helping to bridge the gap between intention and action as it pertains to supporting the BAME community. Naomi also helped set up the ‘Black Feminism society’ at the University of Lincoln with the focus on introducing others to the idea of intersectional feminism. She is extremely passionate about diversity and inclusion beyond race, including gender equality, addressing classism, xenophobia and amplifying the voices of the LGBT+ community. Naomi is excited to bring her lived experiences to TG Consulting to help individuals become more aware of the wider world around them.
Recent graduate, Reagan has a strong understanding of what students want and what they need. He has been a course representative and has dedicated himself to work that involves listening to students and helping to resolve their challenges. Reagan is a keen advocate for mental health and the LGBTQ+ community and wants to help impact change where he can. Reagan aims to bring an authentic and clear view to TG Consulting, that accurately represents his fellow students and graduates.
Katie is a driven, curious, and detail-orientated undergraduate writer entering her third year of Journalism & Publishing, with a keen eye for writing about anything from lifestyle and entertainment to current events. Katie is looking forward to further developing her knowledge within student employability as well as honing her skillset within the consultancy business.