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"Something Good is Out There for Everyone" Quotes from the Authors

Every Wednesday on the TG Consulting Blog, we will be sharing quotes from 3 of our very own Authors, You can find part one and two here. If you like what you have read, you can buy You Are A Limited Edition here , a book with a collection of stories from students which are inspiring and motivational. All profits go towards supporting young people who face barriers to employment. You can also find more information about our authors and the book on Instagram: @youarealimitededitionofficial .

Alexandra Garton

"Life is a series of moments. All of them, even the bad ones, are building to something, even if it’s not clear yet what that is. "

"Writing this piece was a great chance to reflect on how far I have come and all I have to be thankful for. Where I am now is just the next step in my journey; nothing is over or decided yet! I hope that my story encourages someone who feels that they cannot get up off the ground, to open-up and ask for help, wherever they can find it. Something good is out there for everyone."

Lauren Dennis

"I am grateful for being part of something so special - I feel so honoured to be able to share my story. I want people to know that it is okay not to be okay and it is okay to admit it. The first step is to admit it to yourself first, and once you do, it gets easier to share with others. Everyone goes through struggles, so you are not alone, you do not have to be a product of your environment."

"My story is not over, and it will never be, even when I feel like it is, I know I have so much more to live for so many things I want to say and do to help others. Even when you feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel keep going and you’ll be surprised. "

Roberta Johnston

"Writing and reflecting on my story gave me more strength and gratitude for the life I live today as, even though I may have down days where life is intense, or I go through some personal drama, it is nothing compared to the pain and suffering I endured through never understanding my own worth. If I can help someone realise, that no matter how hardcore your inner battle is, that there is a choice to how you feel, then I have done my duty."

"Plus, I have discovered what it really means to be loved. It starts with learning to love yourself. Even if that seems impossible, start by being kind to yourself. Try and do whatever makes you happy and, if you are struggling, be brave and reach out to someone as there is always someone who will listen to you."

Thank you to our wonderful authors for sharing their stories and providing words of wisdom. We hope the book helps students, educators and employers to support themselves and others who may face barriers in life.

For more information about the book and our fabulous authors, you can find us on Instagram: @youarealimitededitionofficial and you can purchase the book on Amazon or Waterstones by clicking here .

What do TG Consulting Offer?

TG Consulting is an Independent consultancy that connects employers, educators and students. Our Ethos is to: connect, collaborate and create. Our services include: graduate and student employability training, careers service health checks and development of student engagement initiatives.

If you are interested in our services please email: .

By Ciara Martin, Digital and Social Media Coordinator.


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