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Authors Quotes -Mental Health Awareness Week Edition

Every Wednesday on the TG Consulting Blog, we will be sharing quotes from 3 of our very own Authors, You can find part one, two and three here. If you like what you have read, you can buy You Are A Limited Edition here , a book with a collection of stories from students which are inspiring and motivational. All profits go towards supporting young people who face barriers to employment. You can also find more information about our authors and the book on Instagram: @youarealimitededitionofficial .

From the 10th-16th May 2021 it is the annual Mental Health Awareness Week. With this in mind, we have selected three stories that touch on different experiences of mental health. If you are struggling with your Mental Health please contact your GP or Wellbeing service at your institution. You can also text: SHOUT to the number 85258 which is a free 24/7 confidential text service. Alternatively you can find more helplines here .

Two of the stories in today's blog post cover grief and eating disorders. If you feel like you will be triggered by either of these stories please seek help from your GP or you can find information about grief here and help for eating disorders here .

Foridha Ahmed

"Embrace gratitude. Often heard, but not commonly practised. True happiness lies in gratefulness, trusting the process as time is a healer and, in the meantime, embrace the present. "

"Sharing my story in this book has made me appreciate how far I have come and how much I’ve learnt, and in the future, I hope to continue to acknowledge the progress I have made professionally and personally. I hope to make people feel comfort/get advice relating to the struggles of mental health as a student and once teenager. "

Jacob Grimwade

"I feel sharing my story has been a great actualisation as to what I have achieved in such a small amount of time and that I can accomplish whatever it is I set my mind to. I hope it has helped others realise that their dreams and goals are not unattainable and that your mindset in given situations is the most important thing to master. "

"2020 proved the entire world to be a tough year. When the pandemic began, it put the world of business and education on hold. With restrictions in place, I had no clue how I would finish this degree or how my business would flourish. I moved back home to Essex, leaving my Bath life behind. On top of this, I had recently lost one of my closest friends, Graham, to a rare strand of Meningitis. This was if not, the lowest moment in my life. It reset how I viewed those around me and made me realise how real it is that anything can be taken from you in an instant. One of my best friends, someone I lived with for just over a year in Bath and spent a lot of my time with, gone. Graham was my first experience with death and is still something I am processing, one year later. I hold him awfully close to my heart and have been using his life as something to remember and use to push myself. I know that he as my friend would be let down if I did not strive to achieve the goals me and him discussed often."

Nia Modley

"Sharing my story has been an incredibly reflective experience. I find it easy to forget the things I have been through. It is humbling to remember my past. It has made me incredibly grateful for where I am today, and the strength and resilience I have picked up along the way. I hope my story helps you feel less alone in whatever struggle you are facing right now and know that once you’ve taken the first step to ask for help, you will be surprised and heartened as to how many people there are who want to be there for you."

"Things do get better. It may not happen overnight, but it will. 6 months of treatment, 9 months after dropping out of school, I started at a sixth form college determined to get my A levels. Learning to manage school in recovery was a huge journey for me. My eating disorder was so tied up with perfectionism. I had to learn that my best really was good enough and that there was nothing more important than my recovery."

Thank you to our authors for sharing their personal battles so openly. If you are struggling with your mental health or affected by Foridha's story, the Mind website has lots of helpful resources and helplines. If you are struggling with grief or are affected by Jacob's story, you can find more information on the NHS website. Lastly, if you are struggling with an eating disorder or are affected by Nia's story you can find help from Beat Eating Disorders.

For more information about the book and our fabulous authors, you can find us on Instagram: @youarealimitededitionofficial and you can purchase the book on Amazon or Waterstones by clicking here .

What do TG Consulting Offer?

TG Consulting is an Independent consultancy that connects employers, educators and students. Our Ethos is to: connect, collaborate and create. Our services include: graduate and student employability training, careers service health checks and development of student engagement initiatives.

If you are interested in our services please email: .

By Ciara Martin, Digital and Social Media Coordinator.


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